Part II / II – VIII


It is indeed a great victory over the mind when it is stilled during your precious moments of holy meditations. It is indeed a great attainment with His Grace and you are fortunate to bear testimony to the sacred Truth.


No one is nearer to you than your Master. There is no need to run to mountains, though quiet surroundings do help in peaceful meditations. We have to learn to invert within. So please do not get disheartened in the least. Just try to do your part, and the necessary inner help will surely be forthcoming.


The time length for meditation should be increased gradually so as to achieve the target of two hours a day in the larger interests of your spiritual progress. The precious moments of earth life spent in meditations are superbly best utilized and count chiefly creditable for your inner spiritual progress.


The quiet solitude of a place can be helpful to meditations. Service to and for the beloved Master is one of the potential factors that helps to cleanse the vessel of a disciple and aids in going within.

To go within is the most important part of the sacred teachings, and this can be achieved only through the Grace of the Master, which in turn is hastened by one’s living a life of love, service and meditation. Thus they are linked and co-related to each other.


The thought pattern of the initiate is changed gradually as meditation improves. Breathing should never be involved in Simran as it creates heat and other complications that prevent the withdrawal of the sensory currents up to the eye-focus.


Kriya Yoga like so many other yogas has its own limited value and you should be grateful for whatever it gave you in your concentration. A Master of the highest order only can help to take a soul step by step to the True Home of the Father.


The practice of Simran begins with the repetition of the Master’s objective names slowly with a mental poise. At fist the practice is objective, but in time it becomes subjective. Then the constant thought of the Lord continues without cessation. Once this starts, the remembrance becomes automatic, continuous and constant and one never forgets the Lord.


Simran helps in the withdrawal of spirit-currents from the body. In Simran lies the seed that helps in the development of the soul.


Simran makes man introspective and concentrative. Extraordinary powers inevitably follow as a result of the concentration of mind in the inner planes.


Simran is a weapon against all dangers. It acts as a password to all spiritual planes. It gives strength and sustenance to the body and mind during trouble and affliction, and brings the soul near the Master.


Spirituality is an inner experience and its alphabet begins where all philosophy and yoga practices terminate. It is an experience of the soul.

The first practical lesson commences when there is complete withdrawal from the physical body through the kindness of the True Master. No one can withdraw and separate himself unaided from the physical body.

Masters come to distribute this treasure of Spiritual blessings to the seekers after true Spirituality and it cannot be bought. It is not taught. It is caught by contact with spiritual people.


The Master is your constant companion extending all feasible love, Grace and protection. The further your progress inside, the more elated you will feel and your faith and love for the Master will grow stronger.

You will surely swim through this would by reposing your hopes in the Master-Power overhead. 

When you feel the presence of the Master and believe that he speaks to you, even though you do not see Him, please be careful to repeat the holy Names so that you may not be caught by some anti-power trying to block your spiritual progress.


Please note that Spirituality does not consist of hypnotism, mesmerism, spiritism or spiritualism. The feeling of 'coolness' achieved by you during your meditations when you placed your hand in His and directed your mind to the crown of your head, should not be repeated, as it is likely to affect your inner progress. The simple process of attuning within to the holy Naam should be your ideal goal. All other types of meditation should be ignored. You will please appreciate that the different methods of meditation prescribed by various sages for opening the lower chakras are fraught with dangers and as such should not be undertaken haphazardly.

The awakening of the Kundalini is discussed in the 'Crown of Life' and as experienced by you sometime ago, is equally full of dire consequences. It develops heat in the body and one often feels himself on fire from head to foot.


The involuntary numbness attained by keeping the body still for a considerable time while absorbed in some thought is the same as withdrawal of the sensory currents during meditation. The only difference is that during meditations the attention or surat is attuned within at the eye-focus with the repetition of the Charged Names mentally and by looking into the middle of Divine revelations namely Light, etc.


I am glad to find that you are lovingly devoted to your holy meditations which show a considerable improvement with the Grace of the Master. The inner revelations are the sure signs of Master’s continuous grace for which you are continually becoming receptive by your earnest efforts. The presence of the holy Sound Current with you shows His continuous loving protection and is an auspicious factor. You will appreciate that this Heavenly Melody is the guiding principle, and the soul which is attuned with It is tied to this Divine Principle. The result is that no outward onslaughts can invade its listening, as in due course of time, you will relish its continuous listening which will become a matter of stabilized ravishing intoxication with the Grace of the Master. The growing tension in the nerves can best be eliminated by sweetly relaxing at the eye-focus, by looking into the inner Beyond, when you will be transplanted within with His Grace.

The process of slowed breathing in deep meditations is not to be worried about for this shows your successful inner inversion into the Beyond. When the sensory currents are withdrawn to the eye-focus, the body below gets numb thereby allowing the pranic forces to work smoothly and harmoniously, which naturally becomes more rhythmic and the breathing gets slowed automatically. It is not to be feared not should any attention be given to it, for it is a voluntary process and governed by the great spiritual law, and the silver law, and the silver cord based on Karmic evolution sustains the Life Principle without any harm whatsoever.

This might be attributed to your own apprehensions that your attention slipped down to see if the breathing had slowed, as otherwise you would have enjoyed something supreme and blissful. Please try to eliminate the breathing process by sweetly reposing in Him. Complete surrender to His Will and Pleasure is the surest and safest way for inner inversion and the journey on to the realms of pure bliss and unalloyed harmony.


I am glad to find that you are lovingly devoted to your holy meditation with the result that you are blessed with the celestial manifestations of the Divine Lights of various colours and hear the holy Sound Current, as coming from the right side, which has since become louder and stronger, with the Grace of the Master.

You were blessed with complete rise above body-consciousness once, which you normally find difficult. The manifestation of the eye within which is two or three times the size of the normal eye is auspicious, as it is that of the Master. It should be penetrated lovingly while fixing your inner gaze intently in its middle and repeating the sacred Charged Names mentally, when it will burst to give you further way up, in due course with His Grace.

It is possible that you may be blessed with the full size charming Radiant Form of the Master, which usually follows this manifestation. Please repeat the sacred Names to test its genuineness as sometimes the negative forces interfere and the Charged Names are the sure criterion for testing the genuineness of the inner form. If this form stays before this repetition, know it for certain that It is friendly and will be helpful to you in your inner journey ahead.

The Sound Current of flute which you were hearing previously as reported is quite good. This should be listened to with rapt attention. It will grow stronger, draw closer, and ultimately come from above. It will eventually bless you with such a ravishing bliss that your mind will become subdued for good in due course of time with the Grace of the Master.

Proficiency demands persistent and earnest efforts. Time factor is also necessary. Each bit laid for the spiritual edifice counts creditably for your inner journey.


*The Light of life is in you; indeed you live by that very Light whether you realise it or not. Each one of you has had an experience of that Holy Light. Now you must live in constant contact with the Holy Light. It is uncreated and shadowless, eternally the same and peerless. The whole creation came into being by the same Light, and that very Light is shining in every heart. All are Divine in nature, and religion is the expression of Divinity already existing in man.

* (This section is adjusted to the First Edition of 1967;
Editor’s Note 2011.)

The Light of life must be made manifest in existence. Be ye a witness to the Light of life, not only within yourself but in others as well, for the same Light shineth everywhere and there is no place where it is not.

Once you discover this Light and learn to live by it, your whole existence will be changed. Love will permeate your very being and it will burst forth from the very pores of your body, transmuting all dross into sterling gold.

Love, you must know, is both the means and the Goal of life. Love, Light and Life are but different facets of the one Divinity.

Try to become a channel for the Divine and the Divinity will then flow through you. This is not something impossible, but it is the very acme of all human endeavours. In this world of matter one has of necessity to deal with matter. We have to make the most of the material raiment and the material world given to us. It serves a great purpose in the Divine Plan of Evolution. Matter is the ladder by which means the spirit has to rise above body-consciousness and move into the Realm Beyond – the Realm of Spirituality – its native habitat. Learn to make the most of the means given to you and surely as day follows night, the victory shall be yours. A true Christian ought to take up his Cross daily. The Cross represents the physical body standing with outstretched arms. You have to rise above body-consciousness. You have to be reborn into the Kingdom of God. The disciple must know how to die daily so as to be able to enjoy Life Eternal, beyond time and space.