Part II / II – VII


When the mind needs no other thing except the Master, He Who is always within draws the veil aside and appears. So it is a question of developing an intense desire for Him. This desire is aroused by meditation and by sweetly remembering Him in one’s heart to the exclusion of all other things.


When the soul withdraws, it traverses with the astral body into higher regions and sees figures. At that time you should repeat the five Names. The figures will disappear. Only such persons will stand before you as Those from the Fifth Plane, and from These you will derive some benefit. Soul traverses here and there and sees many events which are transpiring elsewhere. But we should not waste our time in engaging ourselves in such things, as that will retard our spiritual progress. If you are regular in putting time into the spiritual practices, you will go ahead and surely meet the Master within, face to face.


While doing any manual or mechanical work or in idle moments, you can continue repeating the five holy Names or recite some prayer lovingly all time and you will feel new strength is entering within you and that Someone is working with you, sharing much of your labour. Any interval, however short, during the day, may also be devoted to meditation and that will giving you freshness and real energy for your work.


As regards vision, when you rise above your body-consciousness, you may see visions in the astral planes. Do not engage in looking at them, but repeat the five Names. Sometimes you may see lions and snakes appear. These are not forms of the Master of Love. A snake at times represents the mind. So do not pay any heed to it, it will not harm you. Sometimes the five passions – lust, anger, greed, attachment and ego, leave us in the form of a lion or little children. These things cannot retard the progress of a soul who is doing Simran of the five holy Names.


If you hear a voice coming to you, please do not listen to it. Such voices are usually from the Negative Power. If the voice persists, ask him to come before you, and then repeat the five Charged Names. If the stands before you while you are doing Simran, he will be your helper. Only the voice of the Negative Power will go away. Be strong in your Simran, it will remove all difficulties. You will become bold and fearless. You will see within so many rivers, mountains – you will cross them by flying over them. Simran will enable you to fly over them.


I am glad to know that you are lovingly devoted to your spiritual practices with the Grace of the Master. You are blessed with the celestial manifestations of purple veil changing into gold, stars and moon. You also hear the holy Sound Current of bells coming from the right side. These are cardinal revelations of Divinity granted to the child disciple for proceeding on the True Home of the Master.


The presence of the Heavenly Melody in the form of ringing of bells all along your vacant moments is notable and shows that His gracious protection is being extended to you. Yet the listening to the Sound Current with the ears plugged with the thumbs is quite beneficial for steady progress on the holy Path. You are advised not to press your ears too hard, this will avoid hurt. Please note that mind usually resents this listening to the holy Sound Current, but it has a deep spiritual significance and as such should be followed scrupulously.


The Word is above the thinking faculty and is heard only when one rises above the eyebrows. The understanding of the Word comes only by direct revelation to the soul.


An initiates earnest longing should be to see and meet the Radiant Form of the Master within and be a constant, conscious recipient of His blissful, loving Grace and blessings. The Master-Power overhead helps in all feasible ways to fulfil this desire.


One must be faithful to the instructions of the Master. Both the spiritual exercises are important. A disciple must do his part and the Master does His. It is, for the disciple to sit in meditation in an atmosphere conducive to progress with a sweet remembrance of the Master. The disciple is not to presuppose things or visualize results, for these will follow of their own accord. Ours is to be an attitude of passivity, for the Doer is the One and only One, the Master, Who is the best Judge of the time and measure and manner of each step on the Path.


While asleep if one sees something which he remembers only upon awakening, it is called a dream. If, however, you are conscious all the time while passing through the various states referred to by you, that is not a dream, but that is what you experience consciously, and this is called a vision. All these different stages are elaborately discussed in the 'Crown of Life' of which the reading will give you a full explanation.


The Physical bodies of all are apt to undergo change and are liable to be influenced by diet, climatic conditions, seasons, age and the like. The laws of Nature affect everyone to some degree according to the extent of one’s knowledge of them, or whether he neglects or follows them. A devoted disciple living simply and cautiously and reposing all trust in the Master-Power need not feel concerned with karmic situations even if they appear to be intolerable at the time. A loving devotion to the Master has always cushioned the hardest of conditions. Meditation is the most important thing and must not be neglected. Procrastination is the thief of time. Mind also is ease loving by nature and should not be let loose to allow any neglect in one’s programme of life. As much time as possible should be devoted to this side.


Dreams need not be relied upon. One can have the vision of a past reincarnation. There is a vast creation inside, which need not be noticed. We should concentrate on seeing the Master, talk to Him and accompany Him, wherever he may lead us.


Conch sound resembles that one coming out as a result of blowing in the form of a long, continuous sweet mellow sound. The Immaculate Naam is the constant companion of each initiate. The more a child grows in awareness, the more he or she will appreciate the sweet loving help extended by the Master-Power, the Immaculate Naam.


You are regular in your meditations and are getting inner experience of the Light and Sound of God. It is no small achievement and I am glad that the time spent by you in meditation is the happiest time of your day. Please take care not to doze off into slumber during your meditation. If you feel tired, take a little rest before starting your meditation. During sleep, the sensory currents after getting to their native centre behind and between the eyes, slip down to the throat centre and the navel centre in a dream state and dreamless slumber respectively. So during sleep, the soul instead of going up from its centre, which is at the back and behind the two eyebrows, comes down to lower centres in the body. It is therefore stressed that sleep should be avoided during meditation.


Please note that for gaining proficiency in meditations, you should undertake both of the practices separately, one following the other, which will bless you with stabilized progress on the holy Path.


The inner Light does not come or go. It is always there within. It appears only when we are attuned and concentrated and disappears as soon as there is the slightest dispersion. The Light will not vanish if you just keep your inner gaze constantly fixed. You seem to hear the Bell Sound very faintly, apparently from a very far off distance. You should not follow Sound to the place from where it comes but stick to your place at the back of the eyes and listen to the Sound coming from the right side. In this way, the Sound will draw closer, grow stronger and ultimately come from above.


In future, when you see any scene, you need not remain there, but keep on repeating the five holy Names and they pass on. If, however, any Form stands before the repetition of the five Names, you may become absorbed therein, so much so that you forget yourself altogether. That will develop receptivity and He will speak to you. There is no harm to look into the middle of the Light before you. That will grow brighter and ultimately burst to give you a further way up. The only thing necessary is that you must be regular in devoting time to spiritual practices.


I am glad that you are increasingly aware of the joy of knowing the Path. Conscious contact with God-Power within is the panacea for all ills. If you repose everything in Him, many things will be softened. We are all human, and where our efforts fail, there prayer succeeds. Please repose ‘all’ in the God-Power overhead.


The gift of Naam is the greatest gift to a person and comes about only through the Divine Grace. There are many cases known of murderers and plunderous robbers having been put on the Way. Those who come under the influence of Competent Masters, who are Love and Compassion Incarnate, are benefited beyond comprehension.


The practice of Para Vidya takes one Beyond into the higher planes, beyond body-consciousness, rising step by step into the True Home of God. The awakening of the Kundalini is not the aim but a means to the end, but that involves breathing exercises and generates great heat in the body. Without rich diet and robust health, one cannot bear the brunt thereof. Few thee be who can successfully take to that way. The Way of the Masters is the most natural Way, and it may be taken up by all quite easily.


In meditations one is apt to fall asleep. This comes when our gaze is not properly fixed with full attention. When you see, you see clearly and constantly within. This will avoid sleep overtaking you. It would be better to have a bath or a walk just before sitting in the position for spiritual practices so that you may be wide awake inside.


You would have true knowledge, if you transcend the sense knowledge. Enter the inner silence, and this silence will become vocal. With longing in your eyes enter within from without. This is the central message of every True Master. In your own house you will see Him. Therefore, I would request that you gaze longingly into your heart, with silence in your heart, with silence in your soul, and with no thought of this world or the next. The Grace of God will descend on you and the gaze will grow into a glimpse and He will reveal Himself to you, and you will see Him within yourself.


When you see the bright star within, the day star, as Jesus puts it, just fix your inner gaze minutely into the centre thereof. This will give you penetration and a way through the star and you will cross it. At times, the Master also appears over there. I am glad that your Sound Current is getting steadily stronger. While hearing the Sound, please do not try to stick to It, but listen carefully to the Sound and gradually you will hear the Sound distinctly as that of drum-beat or thunder. The Master-Power is overhead and will be extending all possible help, Grace and protection.

As for the feelings of growing numbness over the body, there is nothing to be afraid of. We have to withdraw from the body; this is the first step on the way to God. Do not pay any attention whatever to the withdrawal process which goes on automatically and there need be no awareness on your part of the body. In this way you will have no fear of leaving the body. It is the process of dying while living and has always been enjoined by the Saints in all times and climes. The Master-Power overhead has full charge of you and you have simply to slip into the Beyond under His protecting wings.