Part II /  II – II


I am sorry to note about your health. You are advised to resort to any competent medical treatment or to adopt the natural method of exercises such as brisk walk, light exercises with regularity, moderation and punctuality in diet. As regards the Kundalini, you should not pay any attention to that as it is fraught with danger. You have been put on the Path, the natural Way.


When love for the Master transcends all bounds, the devotee feels as if he were one with the Master. The Master then appears to be working through him and he is in the Master.

Did not St Paul say,

It is I, now not I, but Christ lives in me.

This attitude, of course, helps one splendidly on the way of meditation.


The repetition of the Charged Name is given to the disciple as a weapon against all dangers. It acts also as a password to all spiritual planes, gives strength and sustenance to the body and mind during trouble and affliction, and brings the soul near the Master. It is instrumental in achieving concentration and imparts many other diverse powers. The five Charged Names given by a True Master are electrified Words.


I am glad that you are lovingly devoted to your holy meditations, with the result that you are blessed with the Grace of the Master. You have been privileged to experience virtual death while living, with the Grace of the Master and are fortunate to bear testimony to the sublime Truth. Your gratitude for the manifold blessings is notable and will bless you with more of inner serene bless and right understanding.

There should be no binding or imposition of any kind on a true seeker after God. Natural response comes from within. The question remains how to withdraw from outside in order to receive the higher impulse from within.

The inner search for Truth exists in each man and he or she cannot be satisfied unless the Mystery of Life is solved practically. Herein lies food for the hungry and water for the thirsty. God overhead sees our thoughts, knows our desires and arranges to administer accordingly.

Once this question of the Mystery of Life enters one’s life, the solution will be found sooner or later. From what I have learned at the Feet of my Master, the seekers after Truth are sure to derive benefit if they follow it.


Music has a fascinating power of attraction. Imagine how powerful and magnetic the inner Music of the Sound Current is! If we attune our souls to the Absolute, the inner Music will carry us there.


I note about your Kundalini experience which was aroused without your notice, and that you were able to evade its effect by repeating the sacred Charged Names coupled with will power.

It is always safe to repeat the charged Names which prove helpful against any outward phenomena. You need not bother about awakening this serpent power as it is hazardous. For a more exhaustive explanation, you may please refer to the 'Crown of Life' where this subject is dealt with carefully for the benefit of the initiates. The study of this book will widen your spiritual outlook and be helpful for your inner spiritual progress.


The restricted progress in the visual exercises should not discourage you as you are indeed compensated by such great blessing as the charming manifestations of the Master in your dreams. You will improve in due course with His Grace.

The holy Sound Current or the jingling of bells as coming from the right is correct and should be listened to with rapt attention. It will draw closer, grow stronger and ultimately come from above.

The guiding principle of looking minutely and intently into the middle of whatever you see within, and listening to the holy Sound Current as coming from the right side must be followed in both the letter and the spirit. All else will come in due course with His Grace.


The difficulty experienced by you, caused by the withdrawal of the sensory currents during meditation, relating to your solar plexus, might be attributed to some gastric trouble, and again you may be watching the process of withdrawal. This happens when you remain conscious of the body which should be eliminated by withdrawing your attention to the eye-centre, and repeating the Charged Names mentally, very very slowly, may be at intervals, so that the inner gaze is not disturbed. When you resume body-consciousness, do so slowly and do not return abruptly. This method will eliminate all such hazards.


All beauty and glory lies within. We have to work for Spiritual Perfection, the real purpose of this human life, by regular and faithful meditations on the holy Naam. Slow and steady wins the race. You may take a little light exercise or a brick walk before meditation, for shaking off sloth. Sleep or stray thoughts usually intrude when the inner gaze is allowed to slacken. Practice makes perfect.


You should not be sceptical about your inner progress, as such as attitude impedes progress. Please rest assured that everything is being recorded carefully behind the veil, and all your earnest efforts stand to your credit spiritually. Thought is the key-note to success. It is the thought pattern of the initiate which is changed gradually when he or she feels overall protection and guidance from the Master-Power in all spheres of life.

The disciplined initiates exhibit rare love and humility for assimilating the ennobling virtues.

The withdrawal of sensory currents from the body below with the aid of repetition of the Charged Names or listening to the holy Sound Current as coming from the right side is the normal feature of meditations. You may understand it more clearly: suppose there is a roof with a hundred stairs and unless you cross all the hundred steps, you cannot reach the top, even if you reach the ninety-ninth. You are under the roof and not on its top. As you approach nearer to the roof, you have more and more of light.

Similarly, the withdrawal of the sensory currents up to the eye-focus demands complete cessation of outgoing faculties and focusing the inner attention at the center between and behind the two eyebrows.

The sacred process is to be undertaken in a state of effortless effort. If you are completely riveted within at the eye-centre and are not watching the process of withdrawal, you will find that you will be completely withdrawn with little or no effort on your part, without any feeling, just as a hair is taken out of butter. When you are withdrawn completely or even partially, you may see into the middle of what you see in front of you, and the intellect should be stilled for the time being when the inner vision will open.


You see sky with stars. You should now act as per instructions already conveyed to you in my previous letter. I hope you do not destroy my letters. A disciple should never be content until he or she contacts the Master within, face to face, in His Luminous Form and talks to Him as one ordinarily does without. You should gather up all your thoughts to gain this end early as possible, for then alone all your worries will come to an end. All your questions, whatever the number, will be answered and to your entire satisfaction. Until that stage is reached, you are still journeying on the Way.

As regards the disturbing dreams, you should not worry about them. They are not the result of meditation.

At the time of initiation you saw white Light and stars and heard the high ringing Sound. You were asked to develop these further by giving regular time to meditation with love and devotion, which are the key-notes for success on the Divine Way, and also to submit, as all others do, a regular diary. In not living up to these instructions, you lost a chance to secure the Master’s guidance, which is needed at every step.

Thus in obeying the dictates of one’s own mind, if one finds fault with the Science of Nature, you can see for yourself how far it is justifiable. The mind has to be settled on the way.

You have mentioned only that you followed the repetition of the five Names. Had you sent in your diaries, even blanks, and stated your difficulties, all your shortcomings and difficulties would have been brought to your attention for further guidance.

So many of the cases of failure in meditation are due to want of accuracy in the method, lack of love and devotion, not following the proper diet, mixing in other methods or exercises. All of the lapses come from the disciple.

This is the way of being born anew and to enter the Kingdom of God.

Learn to die so that you may begin to live

is what Christ taught as did all other Masters.

You are fortunate to be put on the Way to God. If you are inclined to follow this way sincerely, with full confidence in the Master, by the Grace of the Master, the Master-Power overhead will extend to you all feasible help. You may begin by sending in your diaries stating whether you are faithful to the vegetarian diet. You will surely have peace and bliss and your life will change. If, however, you have decided to follow some other kind of meditation, you are free to do so. My best wishes, however, shall be with you forever. If after trying other methods, you feel inclined to return to the Path of the Masters, my arms will be open to receive you. The Master-Power is over your head and shall never leave nor forsake you, until the end of the world.


The Light within should be penetrated while fixing your gaze intently in its centre when it will grow stronger and burst to give you further way up. Similarly, the Sound Current as coming from the right side should be listened to with rapt attention, preferably by sitting on your feet. The scattering of mind will be subdued if you will please learn to devote single-minded attention for looking and listening within.

The Light and Sound are so efficacious that if absorbingly attended to, the mind will be stilled. You may say some prayer before your meditation creating an aura which would serve as hemming all around you and you will feel the presence of the Master to your great joy. Please remember that mind itself is inert and takes life from spirit, which, when attuned to the inner manifestations, becomes calm.


The precious moments of earth-life spent in spiritual practices count creditably toward one’s eventual emancipation from the Wheel. Be regular and lovingly devoted to your holy meditations, as that is the central pivot around which the whole sacred teaching revolves and therein an all around development of the soul is granted.


I am glad that you are blessed with stabilized meditations and that you see within celestial Lights and hear melodious Bell-Sounds. The Sound does not lessen as you have stated, but the attention slackens and if it is centred, without any worry or thought of the body below or the outside world, you will find that this Sound Current will become stronger, draw closer and ultimately draw your soul within to the Radiant Form of the Master. The scattering of mind may be overcome by one-pointed attention and absorption in the holy Shabd.


I am glad that you are lovingly devoted to your holy meditations with the result that you are blessed with Divine Light and holy Sound Current of big bell. Your face becoming partly numb in your meditation is natural as the sensory currents from the body below are withdrawn to the eye-focus by the repetition of the sacred Words.