
As well as the book 'The Night is a Jungle' the continuation 'Inn of Madness' is a collection of talks, given by Kirpal Singh on different occasions.

In the first chapter, Kirpal Singh gives an account of the Unchangeable Reality, as it is realised by an awakened Soul and He also demonstrates to what extent it differs from the 'Pseudo-Reality', as it is even recognised by an awakened Soul.

In the second talk He illustrates, why it is so difficult even for the initiated souls to detach oneself from the entanglements of the world, the 'Cage of the Soul,' and He also makes a promising forecast, what is going to happen, when the disentanglement succeeds.

In the third discourse He addresses the meaning and function of a True Master and points out what needs to be provided so that the soul can meet suchlike One, Who – by the order of God – gives her the contact with the Holy Word, Naam, the Inner Light and the Inner Sound.

In the following chapter the Master explains this Naam, also called Shabd, more in detail.

In the fifth discourse He describes, which qualities an initiates has to develop in order to become a True Mouthpiece of the Master, a Gurumukh, and He points out the differences between a truly Spiritual Man and a worldly-minded man, a Manmukh or a mouthpieces of senses.

In the sixth chapter Kirpal Singh reminds emphatically that the human body is only a harbourage, which was placed at our disposal for a while in order to realise the aim of self-realisation and God-Realisation. Furthermore He explains that both forgetting about these facts and adherence to the body, bodily things and the world of physical appearances invariably leads to forgetfulness, maya, and delusional attachment.

Finally, in the seventh discourse, the Satguru explains how one can learn to control the mind1 and the outwards directed senses.

The last chapter shows a New Year's speech, which was given by Kirpal Singh on 1st January 1974. Having knowledge of the approaching end of His physical séjour, He enjoined the assembled initiates to orientate always on the Highest Ideal of Self- and God-Realisation and to commit themselves with all the power which is at their disposal to the attainment of this goal.

The several talks, though self-contained in each case, represent building blocks, which – when put together – result in a well comprehensible general view on the fundamental aspects of the Path of the Masters, also called Sant Mat. That way they become a living inspiration for each sincere seeker after Truth, who aspires self-knowledge and God-Realisation.

Explanation: 1) Mind as a whole encloses dualistic cognition, intellectual power, logic, emotional feelings, the ability of intellectual reasoning, ego and the little self, subconscious mind and everything which refers to the assimilation of and handling with unsubtle and subtle sensations and the addictions and animosities resulting thereof.