Source of Talks

The talks – each chapter – in this book were originally published in the monthly magazine 'Sat Sandesh'. The talks of the years 1968 and 1969 were published in India in the English edition of the magazine. After 1970 the English edition was published in New Hampshire, USA.


First published


God and Man
The first of four consecutive free public talks given in Philadelphia, during the 1955 Tour of the United States.

October 1969
in India


The Higher Values of Life
The second of four consecutive free public talks given in Philadelphia, during the 1955 Tour of the United States.

November 1969
in India


The Kingdom of God
The third of four consecutive free public talks given in Philadelphia, during the 1955 Tour of the United States.

December 1969
in India


The most natural Way
The fourth of four consecutive free public talks given in Philadelphia, during the 1955 Tour of the United States.

August 1971
in the USA


Guru, Guru Dev and Satguru
A talk given in India with several references to the 1963–1964 Tour of the United States.

February 1968
in India


Let us reform ourselves
A talk given in India, explaining quotations from Swami Shiv Dayal Ji and Kabir Sahib.

June 1968
in India


Oh Mind, listen for once! (Part I)
The Mind replies to the Soul (Part II)

A dialogue between the soul and the mind, related as a discourse on a hymn of Swami Shiv Dayal Ji.

September 1971
October 1971
in the USA


Thief of your Life’s Breath
This talk concerning Bhajan, Simran, meditation and obediance, was given in India.

June 1971
in the USA


Chastity and Forgiveness
A talk given in India concerning the need for morals and ethics.

January 1968
in India


Change your Habits now
This talk concerning the aim of Satsang was given in India, and cites quotations of Swami Ji and others.

February 1971
in the USA


Gurubhakti: A Lesson in Love
A talk given in India concerning loving devotion to the Master.

July 1968
in India


To gain His Pleasure
A talk given in India concerning the Guru’s succession, True Devotion, and what grants pleasure to the Master.

December 1970
in the USA


Protector and Protection
A talk given in India on the occasion of the festival of Raksha concerning True Protection.

September 1970
in the USA


The Night is a Jungle
A talk given in India on the occasion of the festival of Basakhi, enjoining that each night in one’s residence be used as a 'jungle' for meditation.

April 1971
in the USA