29 / (ii)

Master on Drugs

Questioner: Master, most of us here, before we came on the Path, have taken drugs. Will the fact that we have taken drugs adversely affect our spiritual progress?

Kirpal Singh: Surely. I tell you, we are conscious beings. We have to become more conscious. Anything which has gone to mar our consciousness – that will take you to the lower strata of life. That is killing yourself, I would say.

Questioner: A lot of us became aware of the spiritual life through drugs …

Kirpal Singh: Leave it, that's all. Don't take more poison, that's all. A little poison taken can be …

Questioner: But our progress now will be affected by what we did before …

Kirpal Singh: Only if you put in more time [in spiritual practices] these things will be cleared. Put in more time. Don't leave off that effort. That's all right. Whatever poison you have taken in your stomach can be washed out. But stop taking more poison, that's all. What more is there?